Seleccione su sistema actual a continuación para ver las instrucciones de conversión:
Migrating from Commercial Platforms to TribuCast®
Si has usado Facebook, Zoom o YouTube para transmitir funerales, ya lo has aprendido:
- Los asistentes remotos de mayor edad pueden tener problemas técnicos con sus ordenadores y dificultades para acceder a los servicios que usted no tiene personal de apoyo
- El apoyo técnico en tiempo real de estas empresas cuando su propio personal necesita ayuda no está disponible
- La privacidad en un momento tan delicado puede ser un problema
- No hay forma de personalizar la página de visualización para compartir los mismos puntos de contacto que se comparten con los asistentes en persona con los asistentes a distancia
- Hay problemas con los derechos y licencias de la música que pueden arruinar un servicio sin previo aviso
TribuCast® is a Private, Personalized, Portable and Pay-Per-Use system that addresses these issues and was Purpose-Built to help you help loved ones through the grieving process. Click aquí para crear una cuenta gratuita, haga clic en aquí to see how easy it is to create and personalize a TribuCast® and Click aquí para tener tu iPad, iPhone o dispositivo Android listo para empezar a retransmitir tus servicios hoy mismo.
Migrating from Gather to TribuCast®
If you’ve found that the Gather system is cumbersome, complicated and prone to broadcasting challenges we think you’ll find that switching to TribuCast® is easy and rewarding. Additionally, TribuCast® staff members are available 365 days a year to support your personnel and the families you serve. The first challenge we will help you address is the MEVO camera. While the MEVO has a nice camera lens, it is reliant on a connection to another device for its configuration instructions and internet connection. This level of complexity causes issues in the fast paced and ever changing environments funeral directors face each day. The TribuCast® system is designed to be self-contained and easy-to-use. Leave the MEVO for less stressful events and check out our quick and easy instrucciones de instalación to start using TribuCast® today.
¿Piensa instalar un sistema de cámaras fijas?
If you’ve been considering installing a new Fixed Camera system in your funeral home you’ve probably found or been told it can cost many thousands of dollars. With TribuCast®, that’s no longer the case. With TribuCast®, you can easily install a PTZ Optics Camera and OBS Studio for a fraction of what you thought it might cost. Simply siga estas instrucciones. If you have any questions, TribuCast® support is free and available 365 days a year. You can schedule a time to speak with our staff by clicking on our Solicite una Demo o llamando al 800-782-0104.